spring 007a

I have always been an avid op-shopper since I was a student, gleefully seizing upon 50’s dresses, 40’s costume jewellery, 60’s printed jumpers and fabulous accessories.  It seemed that every trip brought forth a wealth of exciting finds.  Now it seems much harder to find good things in op shops, particularly clothing.  I think that there must have been a huge increase in the manufacture of cheap clothing in the last couple of decades, so that op shops seem full of poor quality, synthetic garments only a few years old if that.  The rise in popularity of ‘vintage’ clothing also means that the more interesting older pieces get creamed off to sell in specialty shops.  It’s even getting harder to find vintage knitting patterns and yarn now, and soon perhaps it will be harder to find early 20th century pressed glass.  I also have a thing for clear arcoroc dinner- and serving ware, but maybe I’m alone there …

In any case it is rare to get that thrill of a good find.  Recently I have been visiting the op shop as the next knitting swap I am taking part in is an Op Shop Karma swap, in that apart from something made from 100g of Bendigo yarn, the swap package must be made up of items sourced from the op shop.  The karma part refers to providing thoughtfully and generously within this constraint, as a monetary value that usually limits a swap package is irrelevant.  But I think that karma may also come into play in finding the right thing at the right time.  

I was thrilled to find the two baby blankets pictured above.  They are in perfect condition and beautifully made of mitred squares, and there are two!  Coordinated but not identical, perfect for my twins!  I have received many lovely pre-loved items for my girls, but it is rare that I get a set of two of anything, so often feel sad that one will miss out on a particular item.  I worry that these blankets were carefully and lovingly made by a skilled knitter as a baby gift, then not appreciated by someone who didn’t like the colours, or the fact that they were hand made.  In any case, they have found an appreciative owner now.

And the swap?  Well, I have a few ideas, but need to get out to another op-shop for more supplies.  This is what I have come up with so far:

op shop collage